FoetalHealth Minerals
Reduce maternal and foetal anaemia risks by drinking mineral-rich water.
AcidReflux Relief
Fight acid reflux from hormonal shifts and baby pressure with alkalinity.
Potentially prevent low amniotic fluid levels through hydration with alkalizing properties.
A Gynaecologist’s Thoughts On The Matter
Dr Sunita Ilinani, gynaecologist and senior consultant in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) and infertility. She has 18 years of clinical experience and recommends natural mineral water.
100% Safe, Pure & Natural
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Rig Veda says “Properties of good drinking water are described as, “ Sheetham (cold), Sushihi (clean), Sivam (should have nutritive value and required minerals), Istham (transparent), Vimalam Lahu Shadgunam (its acid base balance should be within normal limits)”.