HealthyBirth Weight

Lower risks of low birth weight and of foetal growth restriction with Ca & Mg.

Calcium 75mg/l

*Research published by NIH

FoetalHealth Minerals

Reduce maternal and foetal anaemia risks by drinking mineral-rich water.

Natural Minerals

*Research published by NIH

UTI-freePregnancy Aid

Avoid UTI complications via positive changes in urinary pH with Mg, and bicarbonates.

Bicarbonates 270mg/l
Magnesium 18mg/l

*Research published by NIH

AcidReflux Relief

Fight acid reflux from hormonal shifts and baby pressure with alkalinity.


*Research published by NIH

ConstipationComfort Aid

Treat OS-induced gastrointestinal issues with alkaline water.

Bicarbonates 270mg/l

*Research published by NIH


Potentially prevent low amniotic fluid levels through hydration with alkalizing properties.

TDS>250 ppm

*Research published by NIH

MaternalCalcium Boost

Reduce osteoporosis risks by drinking natural mineral water with adequate Ca.

Calcium 75mg/l

*Research published by NIH

A Gynaecologist’s Thoughts On The Matter

Dr Sunita Ilinani, gynaecologist and senior consultant in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) and infertility. She has 18 years of clinical experience and recommends natural mineral water.

100% Safe, Pure & Natural
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Rig Veda says “Properties of good drinking water are described as, “ Sheetham (cold), Sushihi (clean), Sivam (should have nutritive value and required minerals), Istham (transparent), Vimalam Lahu Shadgunam (its acid base balance should be within normal limits)”.

  • Hege Natural Mineral Water
  • Mothers that trust Hege Natural Mineral Water
  • Percentage of mothers trusting Alkaline water from Hege
  • Percentage of Mothers who love Himalayan mineral water
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Have Questions?

Do you have enough data to support your claims?

Yes, we have conducted a thorough public survey to gather feedback and ensure the satisfaction and well-being of our consumers. Additionally, you can find supporting information and research papers on our website.

How is Hege Water sourced?

Our water is sourced from the Himalayan bedrocks in Himachal Pradesh. So, it retains a very unique, natural and soothing flavour. It is neither touched nor processed. It is free from the risk of foreign pollutants. It has inevitably passed through layers of rock, clay and sand. Hege Water also remains free from bacteria naturally as well as undergoes sand and micron filtration which is then bottled untouched ensuring purity and preserving its natural properties.

What are the natural mineral contents of Hege Water?

Hege Water contains Calcium - 75.63 mg/l, Magnesium - 8.69 mg/l, and Bicarbonates - 270 mg/l, contributing to all-round maternal health and well-being during pregnancy.

What are the white particles?

The white particles are a result of the mineral-rich properties of our natural alkaline mineral water. They are completely harmless and signify the presence of beneficial minerals in Hege, enhancing its overall nutritional value.

What is Hege Natural Alkaline Water?

Hege Mama Natural Alkaline Water is sourced from the Himalayas that are thoroughly protected from any form of contamination. Hege also consists of natural minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Bicarbonates and the other integral micronutrients that are naturally absorbed by the water as it flows through layers of rock, soil, and sediment through its journey while boasting a natural alkalinity of ~8.

What makes Hege Natural Alkaline Water beneficial for pregnant women?

Hege Water offers a balanced pH ~8, along with natural minerals like Calcium - 75.63 mg/l, Magnesium - 8.69 mg/l, and Bicarbonates - 270 mg/l., supporting hydration and prenatal health for expectant mothers and the development of the baby.

Where are the natural alkaline properties sourced from in Hege Water?

The natural alkalinity in our water comes from the unique geological properties of the Himalayan source, offering inherent purity and alkalinity.