General Information

Do you have enough data to support your claims?

Yes, we have conducted a thorough public survey to gather feedback and ensure the satisfaction and well-being of our consumers. Additionally, you can find supporting information and research papers on our website.

How is Hege Water sourced?

Our water is sourced from the Himalayan bedrocks in Himachal Pradesh. So, it retains a very unique, natural and soothing flavour. It is neither touched nor processed. It is free from the risk of foreign pollutants. It has inevitably passed through layers of rock, clay and sand. Hege Water also remains free from bacteria naturally as well as undergoes sand and micron filtration which is then bottled untouched ensuring purity and preserving its natural properties.

What are the natural mineral contents of Hege Water?

Hege Water contains Calcium - 75.63 mg/l, Magnesium - 8.69 mg/l, and Bicarbonates - 270 mg/l, contributing to all-round maternal health and well-being during pregnancy.

What are the white particles?

The white particles are a result of the mineral-rich properties of our natural alkaline mineral water. They are completely harmless and signify the presence of beneficial minerals in Hege, enhancing its overall nutritional value.

What is Hege Natural Alkaline Water?

Hege Natural Alkaline Water is sourced from the Himalayas that are thoroughly protected from any form of contamination. Hege Mama also consists of natural minerals such as Calcium, Magnesium, Bicarbonates and the other integral micronutrients that are naturally absorbed by the water as it flows through layers of rock, soil, and sediment through its journey while boasting a natural alkalinity of ~8.

What makes Hege Natural Alkaline Water beneficial for pregnant women?

Hege Water offers a balanced pH ~8, along with natural minerals like Calcium - 75.63 mg/l, Magnesium - 8.69 mg/l, and Bicarbonates - 270 mg/l., supporting hydration and prenatal health for expectant mothers and the development of the baby.

Where are the natural alkaline properties sourced from in Hege Water?

The natural alkalinity in our water comes from the unique geological properties of the Himalayan source, offering inherent purity and alkalinity.

Mineral Benefits

Can the minerals in Hege Water aid in prenatal health?

Yes, Balanced minerals are vital in pregnancy for maternal and foetal health. Lutai's 1927 research showed areas with low-mineral water had pregnant women with anaemia. Ensuring mineral-rich water is essential for a healthy pregnancy, mitigating risks associated with maternal and foetal anaemia.

How does the calcium content in Hege Water contribute to pregnancy?

Calcium is vital for foetal bone and teeth development. Inadequate intake during pregnancy increases the risk of osteoporosis later. Hege Alkaline water with natural minerals is rich in Calcium with 75.63 mg/l that meets 23% calcium RDA per day.

How does the natural alkalinity in Hege Water benefit pregnant women?

Alkaline water provides numerous benefits for pregnant women especially by alleviating acid reflux through its ability to denature pepsin and offering relief from constipation through its antioxidant properties, making it a valuable addition to a healthy pregnancy routine.

Is the magnesium content in Hege Water beneficial for pregnant women?

Yes, magnesium is an essential mineral required to regulate body temperature.It reduces foetal growth restriction and preeclampsia while helping with healthy birth weight.

What benefits do the bicarbonates in Hege Water offer during pregnancy?

Bicarbonates can help regulate pH levels and aid in neutralising acidity, promoting better digestion and potentially preventing Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) to provide utmost comfort during pregnancy to Hege.

Purity and Safety

Are there any added chemicals or preservatives in Hege Water?

No, Hege Water is untouched, unprocessed and free from added chemicals or preservatives, ensuring its natural purity.

Do you have any travel packs/ smaller sizes?

No, Hege is only available in one size, a 20L BPA-free can.

Has Hege Water undergone Bacteriological Tests?

Yes, Hege Natural Alkaline Water has undergone bacteriological tests and bacterias like Yeast and mould, Escherichia coli or Thermotolerant Bacteria, Coliform bacteria, Faecal Streptococci, Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Sulphite reducing anaerobes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella, Vibrio Cholera and V. parahaemolyticus are all Absent. Hege also makes sure the water is free from any radioactive particles through its stringent UV irradiation process. For more information, you can check our lab report through this link lab report

How can I be sure of the purity, taste and alkalinity of Hege Alkaline Water?

Hege Water undergoes rigorous testing and adheres to stringent safety standards, ensuring it is safe for expectant mothers. It undergoes ‘ORGANOLEPTIC AND PHYSICAL PARAMETER’ that certifies the clarity, odour, taste and alkalinity (pH ~8) of Hege Alkaline Water. (Certified by: Arbro Pharmaceutical Ltd. accredited with WHO GMP and ISO 9001:2008 certification.)

How do I know the authenticity of the Mineral content?

We have a stringent quality control process, including regular testing by Arbro Pharmaceutical Ltd. accredited with WHO GMP and ISO 9001:2008 certification which shows the mineral content in terms of mg/l for every element along with required amounts and detection limits. For more information, you can check our lab report through this link lab report

Is Hege Alkaline Water tested for contaminants and impurities?

Yes, we conduct regular lab tests with Arbro Pharmaceutical Ltd. accredited with WHO GMP and ISO 9001:2008 certification to ensure Hege Natural Alkaline Water is free from impurities, contaminants and 68 other parameters to make sure we provide the purest of water to the Hege.

Is Hege Water free from pesticide residues?

Yes, Hege Natural Alkaline Water undergoes rigorous testing and is free from pesticide residues such as DDT, Gamma-HCH, Alpha-HCH, Beta-HCH, Delta-HCH, Endosulfan, Monocrotophos, Ethion, Chlorpyrifos, Phorate are either below quantification limit or not detected. For more information, you can check our lab report through this link lab report

Is Hege Water free from toxic and harmful chemicals?

Yes, Hege Natural Alkaline Water guarantees the purity of water, free from toxic substances like Arsenic (Ac), Cadmium (Cd), Cyanide (CN), Chromium(Cr), Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Nickel (Ni), Polychlorinated biphenyle (PCB), Polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), Uranium which are either below quantification limit or not detected. For more information, you can check our lab report through this link lab report

What purity standards does Hege Water adhere to?

Hege Natural Alkaline Water undergoes 68 parameters testing including radioactive materials screening by Arbro Pharmaceutical Ltd. accredited with WHO GMP and ISO 9001:2008 certification. Additionally it tests 21 parameters in-house and maintains the HACCP standards with the intention to provide the safest and purest of water to Hege.


Can Hege Water cause any adverse effects during pregnancy?

Hege Natural Alkaline Water undergoes 68 parameters testing including radioactive materials screening. Additionally it tests 21 parameters in-house and maintains the HACCP standards with the intention to provide the safest of water to Hege that has balanced natural minerals only essential but not harmful.

Can I boil the water?

When boiling Natural Mineral water, use a stainless steel or glass pot to prevent unwanted reactions with minerals or other materials.

Can I freeze and drink the water?

Freezing Natural Mineral water may alter its taste and texture as minerals can separate or form sediment. Thawing it slowly in the refrigerator before consumption helps minimize these changes.

Can pregnant women replace regular water with Hege Water entirely?

Certainly! Hege Natural Alkaline Water with its natural minerals can work more than magic compared to the dead RO water or any other flat waters added with artificial minerals for hydration during pregnancy, contributing to a healthier and more comfortable journey.

Is Hege Water compatible with prenatal vitamins and supplements?

Yes, Hege Water can be consumed alongside prenatal vitamins and supplements without interactions but Hege cannot be substituted for prenatal vitamins and supplements.

Should I put this into copper bottle to enhance the properties?

No, we do not recommend using a copper bottle for Hege as copper can oxidize over time, potentially affecting the water's taste and introducing elements that may not align with the natural composition of the water. It's best to enjoy Hege as intended, directly from its BPA-free can to preserve its pristine quality.

Health and Wellness

Can Hege Water help with common digestive issues during pregnancy?

Constipation is prevalent in pregnancy, impacting 2 in 5 expectant women. Dietary changes, water intake, regular exercise, and proper toileting habits aid prevention. Alkaline water is proven to scavenge free radicals, reduce inflammation, and effectively treat OS-induced gastrointestinal issues.

Can I switch to my purifier after the delivery or should I expect any side effects?

Yes, you can safely switch. While there are no side effects, keep in mind that it may take some time for your taste preferences to adjust to the difference in mineral composition. Nonetheless, this adjustment is a natural process and doesn't pose any health concerns.

How does Hege Water support bone health for expectant mothers?

Calcium is vital for fetal bone and teeth development. Inadequate intake during pregnancy increases the risk of osteoporosis later. Hege Alkaline water with natural minerals is rich in Calcium with 75.63 mg/l that meets 23% calcium RDA per day.

Is Hege Water beneficial for alleviating acidity during pregnancy?

Pregnancy often brings acid reflux from hormonal shifts and baby pressure.Alkaline water instantly denatures pepsin, rendering it permanently inactive.It has good acid-buffering capacity. Thus, the consumption of alkaline water is very beneficial for pregnant mothers.

Should I consult a doctor before using this?

While Hege is safe for consumption, if you have any specific health concerns or conditions, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider before incorporating it into your routine. They can provide personalized guidance based on your individual health needs during pregnancy.


Do you have a subscription plan for entire pregnancy?

Yes, you can subscribe to a regular delivery service. To arrange a subscription, please contact:
Hyderabad: 7075839306
Bangalore: 9154293265

How long can Hege Water be consumed after opening?

Once opened, the freshness of Hege water in the 20L plastic cans can be preserved for approximately 1.5 months. It is important to consume the water within the recommended time frames for optimal taste and quality.

How should Hege Water be stored for optimal freshness?

Store Hege Water in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight, to maintain its natural properties and freshness.

I do not have a dispenser, do you provide?

Yes, a dispenser is available as an add-on for your convenience.

If it is the same, why is the packaging different?

While our water's goodness remains the same, Hege packaging emphasises the support it provides during this special journey of motherhood. It's all about how the benefits of Natural Alkaline Mineral Water support the pregnancy journey of mom-to-be and baby, offering relief from pregnancy discomfort and promoting prenatal care & nutrition. Checkout the website for more. Stay hydrated and refreshed with Hege – your companion every step of the way.

Is Hege water and Hege Natural Mineral Water different?

No, both Hege and Hege Natural Mineral Water is sourced from the Himalayas at the same source of Hege’s natural mineral springs. While sharing the same high-quality source, Hege is about how the benefits of Natural Alkaline Mineral Water support the pregnancy journey of mom-to-be and baby, offering relief from pregnancy discomfort and promoting prenatal care & nutrition.

Is it Natural Mineral WATER or Alkaline Water?

Hege water is sourced from natural springs at himalayas, with the natural composition of minerals and alkalinity that are 100% natural,untouched and unprocessed. Hence it is Natural Alkaline Mineral water with natural alkalinity of pH ~8,Calcium content(75 mg/L), magnesium(18 mg/L) and bicarbonates(270 mg/L).

Is there a recommended way to consume Hege Water for pregnant women?

Pregnant women can consume Hege Water like regular drinking water, as part of their daily hydration routine.

What is the shelf life of Hege Water?

If the can remains unopened, the water can maintain its freshness for up to 6 months. It is important to consume the water within the recommended time frames for optimal taste and quality.

What sizes and packaging options does Hege Water offer?

Hege Water is available in 20L BPA-free cans.

Where can Hege Water be purchased?

Hege Water is only available in Hyderabad and Bangalore cities. You can make you purchase only through our website link:

Customer Experience

Are there any testimonials from pregnant women who have used Hege Water?

Testimonials from satisfied expectant mothers who have benefitted from Hege Water are available on our website.

What have other expectant mothers said about their experience with Hege Water?

Hege Water has received a positive acclaim from expectant mothers, who have shared testimonials praising its numerous benefits during pregnancy.Few of them are its effectiveness in reducing acidity, easing constipation, preventing urinary tract infections (UTIs), etc.

Trimester-wise intake

How much Hege Water is recommended during the first trimester?

During the first trimester, it is recommended to ensure proper hydration by consuming approximately 8-10 glasses (64-80 ounces) of water daily, with Hege Water being a beneficial choice, It aids in comforting symptoms commonly associated with the first trimester, such as morning sickness, nausea, and acidity.

How much Hege Water should be consumed in the third trimester?

In the third trimester, it is vital to prioritise proper hydration by aiming for approximately 10-12 glasses daily, equivalent to 80-96 ounces, HEGE not only supports better hydration of the expectant mother but also contributes to the development of a healthy birth weight for the baby.

How soon should I start drinking alkaline water?

It is safe to start incorporating alkaline water into your routine at any stage. The earlier you begin, the better, as you can benefit from its properties, such as improved hydration, balance in body pH levels, and potential support for overall well-being.

I’m in my 24th week, can I start now?

Yes, you can certainly start drinking Hege alkaline water during your 24th week. The alkaline properties and additional minerals in the water may contribute to your overall hydration and well-being. Still, it's advisable to seek advice from your healthcare provider to ensure it complements your pregnancy journey.

What is the recommended intake of Hege Water during the second trimester?

Entering the second trimester, staying well-hydrated is crucial. Aim for about 9-11 glasses daily. HEGE Ensures sufficient calcium intake for your baby's bone and teeth development, gives relief from constipation discomforts and supports amniotic fluid levels.